Sexually Harassed By My Female Boss!
She wouldn’t stop staring at me. IT WAS AWFUL!
During our morning meeting, she wouldn’t stop fiddling with her hair – while crossing and uncrossing her legs!
I tried not to look, but when she was at the file cabinet looking through briefs I saw her little pink thong panties popping out under her big white soccer mom ass!
I was trying to stay focused on my work, but she kept strutting around the room in her tall matching white heels. And then she would stop and apply more pink lipstick. It was freaking me out!
And then, when she finally left the room, I noticed her phone sitting on my desk. This was the picture I saw.
What do I do? She’s the boss!
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fsy,which way the US military would move would depend on the starting point. Would the Civil War have gone differently without the shelling of Fort Sumter?It’s one thing to anticipate that the military might disobey illegal orders. It is another to anticipate that they would support the breakup of the Republic or align themselves with those doing the breaking without extreme provocation. Some would, but it would come down to the moral high ground. The key ingredients of such a civil war would be geography and military support. Modesto Bielicki